On November 15, 2023, during the roundtable discussion on “Negative impact of environmental disasters on agriculture and rural population” held in Tashkent, implemented by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan and UNDP and the Islamic Development Bank and “Smart rural settlement” in the competition “Smart rural planning” within the framework of the joint project “Sustainable development of rural areas” financed by the International Development Fund of OPEC Umida Asatullayeva, PhD student of Mirzo Ulugbek Samarkand State University of Architecture and Construction (PhD) won the first place and was awarded with valuable prizes

SamSACU professors have 3 scientific articles in the top 10% of prestigious journals in the field of Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure in 2023 SamSACU has 4.64 FWCI citations to SamDAQU scientific articles 3

•Students of the second stage of the Faculty of Economics and Management visited the Incubation Center in order to familiarize themselves with the creative works of the students who participated in the university stage of the “InnoWeek 2023” international week of innovative ideas, as well as the Incubation Center.

According to the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 6, 2022 “On approval of the innovative development strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022-2026” No. PF-165, conducting consulting support and seminar-training Samarkand named after Mirzo Ulugbek on “Protection of intellectual property and commercialization of scientific developments” by members of the working group of the World Bank and foreign expert-consultants and representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations for the implementation of the “MUNIS” project held a seminar-training for research scientists and patent authors at the State University of Architecture and Construction.

In the seminar-training, new approaches to the activation of intellectual property protection processes, including the development of ways to eliminate barriers and possible problems between participants of innovative activities, a system of encouraging participants of innovative activities, and Discussions were held regarding the development of proposals based on.

At SamSACU in 2023, professors and teachers received patents for 5 intellectual properties in the fields of Architecture, Interior, Civil Engineering and Business Management.


“SAMSACU PSRC” enterprise was established on March 1, 2023. The enterprise carries out activities on the development of projects of planned objects, compliance with norms and rules of urban planning.

The Office of Technology Transfer carries out its scientific-research and applied innovation activities, as well as supports the participation of students, masters and doctoral students in educational processes and scientific research.

Based on the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 8, 2022 “On measures to further improve the personnel training system in the field of architecture and construction” No. PQ-416, the responsibility of the “Incubation Center” at the Samarkand State University of Architecture and Construction named after Mirzo Ulugbek is limited organized as a society.. develops scientific and innovative projects and developments, startup ideas

The center of scientific research, artistic design and production at the university is a service organization that conducts experimental work in the main scientific-research and artistic-practical directions. Scientific research, artistic design and practical work at the Design Factory Center (DFM) are directly connected with the solving of current scientific, artistic and practical problems in the field of national economy of the republic and the educational process.

StartUp and CoWorking Center At our university, such conditions have been created for students to feel free to carry out their scientific and start-up business projects in comfortable and cozy rooms. The provided equipment is free to use, all designed for students.


Samarkand City Vocational School
Samarkand district vocational school
Samarkand specialized vocational school for persons with disabilities
Vocational school No. 2 of Pasdargham district
Vocational school No. 1 of Pakhtachi district
Vocational School No. 1 of Toylok District
Vocational School No. 2 of Toylok District
Vocational school No. 1 of Urgut district
Vocational school No. 2 of Urgut district
Vocational school No. 3 of Urgut district
Academic Lyceum

SamSACU is the only multi-disciplinary school that prepares personnel for all levels of vocational education and optimization of vocational education in order to further improve the system of training qualified personnel in vocational education and implement measures to introduce international educational programs. introduction of the system of educational institutions, introduction of a modern management system in the field of professional education, expansion of the possibility of training middle-level personnel, introduction of a modern management system in the field of professional education, their educational organizations under the jurisdiction of SamSACU in order to strengthen cooperation with educational organizations