The activities and full validity of the SamSACU approved documents are mandatory for all vice-rectors, Faculty Deans, Heads of departments, all employees and students;Fight against corruption”Complex Control ” System\ Management Department regulations and instructions on the content of the project, head-staff professors and teachers co-educational-to organize explanatory work for young people.

SamSACU Fight Against Corruption “complex control” department held in cooperation with the student Dean’s office under the mandate of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and innovation at anti-corruption propaganda activities to professors, staff and students “on anti-corruption” and “conflict of interest”, “corruption violations”,”conflict of interest”, “personal interest”., On such issues as “close relatives”, the workshop conducts trainings.


If you want to achieve something, make good intentions first and start moving towards that goal. You will surely reach your goal if you are lucky. To do this, it is necessary to stop moving only and only on the path of this goal, regardless of any difficulties.

The main goal of the SamSACU Primary organization is to protect the rights and interests of students and young people in a higher educational institution, to strengthen their spiritual and ideological worldview. it consists in providing comprehensive support to talented young people and increasing their social activist, meaningful organization of their free time, assistance in the implementation of student-youth initiatives.

A scientific council was formed in samdaqu, with 17 members. The chairman of the scientific council is the university rector Mrs. Ch.J.Turkyilmaz and voting members are 14, to which the vice-chancellors are made up of faculty representatives and the secretary of the council and the student representative.

Management of the council main duties and powers